Thursday, 28 July 2011

...and art is serious

Shame I missed 'art is fun'... here is Warren Feeney's review of the SCUL show

art is fun

Friday, 22 July 2011

Artist talk website

This is a site of Pak Sheung Chuen's work, he was the guy from Hong Kong who did an artist talk not so long ago. Suggest looking at the Tokyo works.


notices and reviews

This is just a collection of notices, mentions, and reviews of Heavy Pattern.

Mat Logan & Tom Reveley in Selwyn Times.

Ana Iti in Marlborough Express.

Various at Art, Life, TV, Etc. See also various tweets at twitter, also James Dann's twitter, including the immortal line `she just wants to sell some shit'.

Warren Feeney at eyeContact.

If you come across more, please let us all know.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

brokeback mountain inspired Quilt

I like this homo erotic quilt, imagine snuggling up with that special somone(s) in this. i have become confused about liking kitch things in an ironic way... am i being condescending by enjoying this Quilt in this way, would this offend the maker, or did they make it in an ironic way?
I expect your answers tomorrow....

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Ubu Web

I found this great, not-for-profit resource. Many many audio files and other things available. I'm just listening to Gabo and Pevsner's Realistic Manifesto. There's Warhol, Reich, Acconci, Cage... So you can get indoctrinated whilst mobile. Enjoy

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Dahl Forever

hello here is the dahl recipe that I said I would share. If you don't care for it then just skip past.
What you will need:

Red Lentils
Tin of Tomatoes
Cayenne pepper
Cumin Seed
Coriander Seed
Coconut cream

So chuck your lentils into a large pot, probably like a cup of lentils into two or three cups of water the lentils will take around to 20 minutes to cook, you will know they're done when they are soft and also the dahl will thicken in consistency. In with the lentils you want to put in some delicious spices, I suggest turmeric 1tbsp, paprika 2tsp, salt to taste, 1/2 a tsp of cayenne pepper (or more if you're game), 1/2 tsp of cinnamon, 3 cloves. Check your lentils every now and then, add more water if the look thirsty. 10min in you can add some tomatoes, probs 1 tin.
While lentils cook dice 2 medium onions and 3 cloves of garlic. In a frying pan fry these things with coriander seed and cumin seed in oil until delicious looking, either caramelized or until you get sick of stirring. Add onions into giant bubbling dahl also put in some coconut milk/cream (just a dash).  
Heat it all up and serve on rice.
If you want to bulk up the dahl you can add in some more vegetables or legumes at an appropriate time maybe some carrots or chickpeas. While dahl is happening you should taste is frequently to monitor spice levels, always add more spices if in doubt.

Roald Dahl thanks you for your time

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Ai Weiwei

Chinese artist, sends secret video to TED conference due to political backlash in China. Excellent, a must watch.

Monday, 4 April 2011

standard oslo

really good stable of artists, worth a check. one artist i particularly like the work of is matias faldbakken.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Letter from Sol le Witt to Eva Hesse

I don't know if this is authentic, but I like the sentiment. Worth a read.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Monday, 28 March 2011

Exhibition Funding

Opportunities for funding for an exhibition are closing in April, so check out these two links and think about whether you want to submit a funding proposal. Any proposal will need some detail about the kind of 'exhibition' you wish to hold... some good starting points today, keep talking!
Creative Communities:
as far as I can see this is now due 31st April
Community funding - City & Leisure - Christchurch City Council
Creative New Zealand Creative Communities Funding Scheme - Community funding - Christchurch City Council
and Community Trust, due 20th April
The Canterbury Community Trust - Welcome to The Canterbury Community Trust

Das Monk

Links to some interesting artists, mostly drawing/painting

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Tips for buying materials

Courtesy of Jenny in Honours:
... On Trademe....Art Shed (I heard people talking about this seller) selling a whole lot of their stock because their store was damaged in the quake. The sales said that their store was damaged and they are now trying to move and sell a whole lot of stock immediately. All their items are in perfect condition and are pretty inexpensive looking and you can go and pick up your purchases in ChCh. There are mostly painting supplies on the sales, a lot of pre-made canvases and such, but I did get a sketchbook and pencils and such for under $10 each. 

Thursday, 24 March 2011

the secret lexicon

this blog has an interesting collection of images, however some are a but grisly, viewer beware.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

horizon expanding

big idea's for many people


E-flux is a great resource, they publish a journal, run projects with artists and curators and send out daily e mails to subscribers on exhibitions opening around the world.
Have a look
If you subscribe you will get a few  emails each day with a press release for exhibitions... these often have great links to galleries.
Good to see the links to artist databases

Great contemporary art network website

The first art newspaper on the net

art database


Hi All,
Finally I have a chance to post some links...
Links to magazines are good, you can access articles online, most of these magazines have blogs also
Also check out large galleries like Tate.
More to come! / home

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Hi All,
Was good to see you all today. I have invited you all to join this and added you as bloggers, so when you are able lets start posting links and other relevant research material.
More later!